Why do we perceive time linearly?

The perception of time as linear is a psychological and philosophical question that relates to how humans experience and understand the passage of time. It raises issues about the nature of temporal consciousness and the factors that shape our perception of time. The linear perception of time is deeply ingrained in human cognition and language, and it forms the basis for concepts such as past, present, and future. This linear perspective allows us to organize events, memories, and plans in a coherent manner. Philosophically, questions about the linearity of time intersect with debates about the nature of time itself, including whether time is an objective feature of the external world or a subjective construct of human consciousness. Some philosophers argue for a block universe view, where past, present, and future coexist as a timeless whole, challenging the linearity of time. Cognitive scientists and neuroscientists study how the brain processes and represents temporal information, shedding light on the mechanisms behind our perception of time. The question of why we perceive time as linear remains a topic of scientific and philosophical investigation, exploring the intricacies of human consciousness and our relationship with the temporal dimension of reality.