Category Existential Q & A

Is the future predetermined?

The question of whether the future is predetermined or open to possibilities is a topic that intersects with philosophy, physics, and determinism. It addresses whether events in the future are already determined by prior causes or whether there is genuine…

Are numbers real or human constructs?

The nature of numbers and their reality is a philosophical and mathematical inquiry that explores the ontological status of mathematical entities. Numbers play a foundational role in mathematics, science, and everyday life, but questions about their existence and nature persist.…

How does one define “self”?

The question of how to define the “self” is a philosophical and psychological inquiry into the nature of personal identity and self-awareness. It delves into the concept of who we are as individuals and how we distinguish ourselves from others…

What is the essence of being human?

The question of the essence of being human is a philosophical and existential inquiry that explores the fundamental characteristics and attributes that define human existence. It delves into what sets humans apart from other species and what constitutes the core…

Why do we perceive time linearly?

The perception of time as linear is a psychological and philosophical question that relates to how humans experience and understand the passage of time. It raises issues about the nature of temporal consciousness and the factors that shape our perception…